A Call to Purity

One: Adam & Eve hid because they were ashamed.

Many: God said "Where are you?"

One: Adam & Eve feared God for they had sinned.

Many: Sin is the drought that dries the heart and splits the community like cracks in the parched, hard earth.

One: But even though we are dehydrated and cracked from sin we choose not to be quenched in springs of God’s Grace and Love.

Many: God doesn’t mince words – the words are clear. If we hesitate and allow sin to permeate God’s house of worship.... God is quick to confront us with a strong hand, a whip of justice, a call to purity and a chalice of eternal life.

All: May we worship tonight not as a den of wolves, but as the body of Christ consumed with "compassion’s kindling fire that lights in us the path to live as God desires."

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