Are we getting it yet?

Further Study: Luke 24:36-48
"Remember - Third time is a Charm"

The Breaks

Here is my heart take what you want
'Cause I have no use for it anyway
Well of all the stupid things I've ever said
This could be the worst may be the best
But those are the breaks
These are the bruises
And if I can't give myself away I'm the only one who loses
And I don't want to lose this

It is the sea that makes the sailor
And the land that shapes the sea
And I do not know yet what I am made of
Or all I may someday be
And it is the wood that makes a carpenter
It's the very tools of his trade
And it is love that makes a lover
And a cross that makes a saint

Here is my song, listen if you will
But I have no heart for it anymore
I just have half a mind to cut it loose
And if it sails off into the blue
Then I'll just let it soar
And the sky is better keeping
And I won't be any poorer
For giving it its freedom
And here's one for freedom

It is the sea that makes the sailor
And the land that shapes the sea
And I do not know yet what I am made of
Or all I may someday be
It is the wood that makes a carpenter
It's the very tools of his trade
And it is love that makes a lover
And a cross that makes a saint

Well, of all the stupid things I've ever said
This could be the worst may be the best
But those are the breaks


by Rich Mullins off of his album "Brothers Keeper." Rich is best known for his contemporary Christian/Praise Hit single Awesome God. Rich had a very successful career as a songwriter and then as a performer. He influenced many with his down to earth style and strong integrity. He was dynamic in his view that we should be doers and not just hear-ers of the Word. But tragically his life ended in September of 1997 in a car accident. The Breaks is a song that articulates Rich's desire to give all that he has to God.

Further Study:

Are you "getting it" yet? How might you start? Hopefully it was clear to you in the sermon that we have to begin being the truth to others. The world isn't looking for books about Jesus -- they are looking for people willing to follow Jesus and to be Jesus to others. I summed up the sermon Wednesday Night with these thoughts.

1. On the road to Emmaus - the disciples didn't get any 'new' information about Jesus -- rather they got a new relationship with Jesus.

2. Jesus isn't calling us to reflect on the truth.. he is calling us to reflect the truth (and he is the truth).

3. The disciples, before the Emmaus experience could ennunciate the faith - but, afterwards they had learned to embody the faith.

(want some more practical ideas of how to do the above? -- see The Servant Evangelism Website.)

Friends, Jesus calls us to care about each other. He calls us to love God and our neighbor is all that we do. Until we start seeing our lives as disciples, as reflected truth, as embodied faith, we will continue to fail to be all that he has called us to be. And what has he called us to be? The light of the world and the salt of the earth.

I urge you to examine your lives and to look for where God is leading you.

E-mail me and let me know where you think God is taking you .. and whether you think you are "getting it."

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