On Being Easter People

One: Jesus said to the disciples who were locked in the Upper Room, "Peace be with you."

Many: Jesus says Shalom, wholeness, completeness, peace.

One: We are the Easter people. He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

Many: How do we celebrate the resurrection? We celebrate by loving God and loving our Neighbor with our whole heart and our whole life.

One: We celebrate the gifts God has given us.

Many: We celebrate forgiveness, reconciliation, the cross and the empty tomb.

One: Celebration is nourishment and resource.

Many: Celebration is a sign of the resurrection which gives us strength to carry the cross of each day.

All: He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!


Inspired by Jean Vanier from excerpts of Community and Growth, ‘Chapter 11: Celebration,’ pgs.313-314. Jean Vanier was a French Catholic who started the first L’Arche Community in Trosly-Breuil, France. L’Arche means ‘The Ark’ in French. Currently L'Arche has communities worldwide. In L’Arche communities Christians come together to live in solidarity with the poor and to take care of the severely and profoundly mentally retarded. The well-known author Henri Nouwen particpated in L’Arche communities in the States while teaching and writing. The communities are over 25 years old and continue to grow. Vanier gave an interview to the CBC regarding L'Arche for the 25th anniversary of the communities. There are even communties in places such as Huntsville, AL, and Tampa, FL. To learn more about Jean Vanier and the L'Arche communities click here.

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