Links - Wednesday Night at Bellaire UMC

art by Fransican monk Fr. Philippus Philippus, OFMCap

"Wednesday Nights at BUMC"

A non-traditional
mid-week service of
Bellaire United Methodist Church

Worship Schedule
Worship Team
Mission Statement

Accountable Discipleship
Accountable what?
Acts of Worship
Acts of Devotion
Acts of Mercy
Acts of Justice

Past Sermons, Litanies, and Prayers, etc.
New!Revelation Links Go to your daily devotional at The Upper Room

Father Phillipus' Artwork - Beautiful pencil drawings converted to clipart images for use in layout. Drawn by Fransciscan monk in Indonesia. Worship through simple art.
Chagall Windows - Cathedral style stained glass in Israel. Worship through extravagant art.
Religious Resources on the Net - A large link site with a variety of categories -- definitely a place to wander around.
United Methodist Publishing House - Home of Disciple Bible Study, Christian Believer Study, and Cokesbury!
Christian Folklore Traditions - This is an odd collection of liturgical worship traditions from around the world. Tread lightly...
The Monastery of Christ in the Desert - A Catholic Monastic Community in Arizona that earns its way by building web pages. Good links -- very catholic.. they have a daily martyrology.
Seekers Church - An Intentional Christian Community in the tradition of the 'Church of the Savior.' Amy and I visited here while we were in D.C. - great people. Good site.
New Advent: A Catholic Website - A well organized and well-designed catholic resources website. Complete with the Catholic Encyclopedia - a good all around christian resource.

The Text this Week - Wonderful site for Bible Study and preaching preparation.
Crosswalk - A large site, bible search engine and references, religious news and features.
Apocalypse!- Great reference for study of Revelation. From PBS-Frontline.
Lenten Devotion 2000 - devotions for all 40 days of Lent; from Robert Waldrop (from the Oscar Romero Catholic Worker House, Oklahoma City) devotions housed at - Good Stuff!
Daily Devotional at the Upper Room - This will take you to today's devotional. (Changes with date..)
Calling Out Your Name - A great resource on Rich Mullins (Click here for great articles for devotion).
The Theology Website - A great look at theological (fifty cent words) understandings of the faith. Good Stuff!
C.S. Lewis: 20th Century Christian Knight - An impressive collection of scholarly and popular resources of the author of Chronicles of Narnia and other modern Christian Classics. I could get lost in the Narnia links alone. Don't forget to look at the Mere Christianity links as well.
The All-in-One Bible Resource Site - A collection of 7 different Bible search engines covering a number of English translations as well as Greek and Hebrew for those interested. Six other sites filled with biblical resources (some scholarly and others popular). Eleven email discussion lists on what appear to be very scholarly topics (go and see for yourself). And five stunning resources on Ancient and Classical civilizations -- a virtual library! Tread with care -- I could get lost in academics and never return....
First Things Home Page - FT is a journal that focuses on religion and public life. It is pretty high-brow but occasionally covers some good topics regarding how the church functions in the secular culture. Also one of my professors from seminary is on the editorial board.
From Jesus to Christ - A PBS Frontline site on Jesus and the Gospels. Good stuff, very informative.
ICLNet's Guide to Early Church Documents - Good survey site of Early Church documents. This begins to scratch the surface of the 2000+ years of history of the church.
Religion and the Founding of America - The founding fathers were Christians weren't they? The library of Congress offers some articles that discuss the religious life of the colonies and early America. (My opinion? they were deists.) - A Christian resource search site. Pretty good. (better if they listed Weds. at BUMC, of course.)
Religion News Today - a daily report of stories regarding religion and the church in the world. Pretty good stuff.
Zondervan's Religious News Links Page - This is an incredibly large page with close to 200 hundred sources for news, religious news, and journalism. A must see for those interested on keeping their finger on the pulse of the church's events.
Christian Fellowship Devotionals - Great site of daily devotionals. If you need a resource for daily quiet time here it is. Organized by topic and author. Other assorted links also.
Devotional Series on Spiritual Disciplines - from Christian Fellowship Devotionals. Includes passages on Bible reading, prayer, journaling, fasting, solitude and silence.

Kid Brothers to St. Frank - Great site that begins to fill the void that Rich Mullins left.
The Hunger Site - Your click gives food to those in need. Other resources also available for poverty-care ministries.
Remember the Sermon on the Mount? - essay from Time Magazine by Barbara Ehrenreich. The author discusses the church's fixation on sexual issues and lack of discipline in following the economic teachings of Jesus. Very thought-provoking.
Sojourners Online - A great magazine out of Washington D.C. that continues to publish articles that call us to think in terms of justice and compassion. Check it out -- you can even get a free hard copy issue.
Compassion in Dying - From 'The Body' website. This is a portion of a series on caring for those with AIDS. But does seem applicaple to anyone caring for someone with terminal illness.
Devotional on The Poor - from Christian Fellowship Devotionals. Pretty heavy on scripture sources on how to care for the poor.

Death Penalty Information Center - great site for understanding the scope of this issue.
Jubilee Resources - from The Otherside. See what the Bible has to say about caring for the poor.
A Christian Approach to War and Peace - A poorly organized article from an Australian. It is a beginning place for understanding pacifism, just war, and crusade. The first third is scripture quotes, the last third quotes from modern authors. Read with discretion.
Corporate Watch Web Page - A secular clearinghouse for justice issues related to multi-national corporations and world trade. Current event headlines/stories as well as topical pieces.
'Just War' Topics - A good web version of this course's resources. Comes complete with lesson plans and discussion questions. If you ever thought war was the job of military types -- read this -- war is an important issue for the church. Well, pacifism at least...

art by Fransican monk Fr. Philippus Philippus, OFMCap

Wednesday Nights at BUMC
Bellaire Blvd. at Newscastle
Just inside the 610 West Loop
in Bellaire, TX

6:30 p.m. Meal in Fellowship Hall
7:00 p.m. Worship in Chapel

Ph# (713) 666-2167
Click here for a map to BUMC.
Bellaire United Methodist Church on the Web

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