Worship Team - Wednesday Night at Bellaire UMC

art by Fransican monk Fr. Philippus Philippus, OFMCap

"Wednesday Nights at BUMC"

A non-traditional
mid-week service of
Bellaire United Methodist Church

Worship Schedule
Worship Team
Mission Statement

Accountable Discipleship
Accountable what?
Acts of Worship
Acts of Devotion
Acts of Mercy
Acts of Justice

Past Sermons, Litanies, and Prayers, etc.
New!Revelation Links Go to your daily devotional at The Upper Room

"Wednesday Nights at BUMC" is a ministry of Bellaire United Methodist Church.

BUMC is blessed to be led in the making of disciples of Jesus Christ by our Senior Minister Rev. Mark H. Young.

On regular weeks we are blessed to have Associate Minister Rev. Peter J. Cammarano, Jr to share the story of God's love through preaching.

Our music is planned and directed by Ed Whipple and Alana Acker.

Ed Whipple is Director of Youth and Family Ministries at BUMC and leads the singing.

Alana Acker is Organist at BUMC and accompanies the service.

Without faithful disciples called to worship Jesus Christ, no service is even worth mentioning. So it is important to mention that everyone who attends Wednesdays at BUMC is a vital member of the Worship Team.

art by Fransican monk Fr. Philippus Philippus, OFMCap

Wednesday Nights at BUMC
Bellaire Blvd. at Newscastle
Just inside the 610 West Loop
in Bellaire, TX

6:30 p.m. Meal in Fellowship Hall
7:00 p.m. Worship in Chapel

Ph# (713) 666-2167
Email: cammaranop@aol.com
Click here for a map to BUMC.
Bellaire United Methodist Church on the Web

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