Links - Wednesday Night at Bellaire UMC

art by Fransican monk Fr. Philippus Philippus, OFMCap

"Wednesday Nights at BUMC"

A non-traditional
mid-week service of
Bellaire United Methodist Church

Worship Schedule
Worship Team
Mission Statement

Accountable Discipleship
Accountable what?
Acts of Worship
Acts of Devotion
Acts of Mercy
Acts of Justice

Past Sermons, Litanies, and Prayers, etc.
New!Revelation Links Go to your daily devotional at The Upper Room

Here are some beginning links for study of the book of Revelation.


Frontline: Apocalypse! - This a great companion website to the TV special put out by PBS/Frontline on Apocoalypse and Revelation. It even has an Anti-Christ Quiz...

The Last Letter: Revelation’s News for Today’s Congregations by Blair G. Meeks - This is a four session Group Bible Study curriculum put out by the United Methodist Church's General Board of Discipleship. I will be using some of it in our Good News Study.

Interpreting The Book of Revelation by Dennis Bratcher - This is a very basic article that surveys a variety of thoughts and interpretations of Revelation.

What Shall We Believe? by Aurelia T. Fule - very interesting (and long) series of articles that takes the preaching of TV evangelists and analyzes it for appropriate interpretation of Revelation and the end-times. (You mean TV preachers might use scare tactics to make us give them money? nah...)

Apocalypse Soon? Part One of a two-part look at the roots of apocalyptic thought. By Wes Howard-Brook - This article is less of a biblical commentary or study guide and more a discussion of contemporary apocalyptic thought. It is from Sojourners Online.

Come Out of Her My People: Reading the book of Revelation without the rapture. Second in a two-part series on the roots of apocalyptic thought. By Wes Howard-Brook - Part Two to the above article from Sojourners Online.

Revelations Call to Resistance by Wes Howard-Brook - Again less of a Biblical study guide and more of a social commentary on multi-national global corportations. From The Other Side.

art by Fransican monk Fr. Philippus Philippus, OFMCap

Wednesday Nights at BUMC
Bellaire Blvd. at Newscastle
Just inside the 610 West Loop
in Bellaire, TX

6:30 p.m. Meal in Fellowship Hall
7:00 p.m. Worship in Chapel

Ph# (713) 666-2167
Click here for a map to BUMC.
Bellaire United Methodist Church on the Web

I did it myself with WebTutor!